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BTECs and similar vocational qualifications combine practical and theoretical studies ranging from certificate level to extended diploma.


Why study a vocational course?

Vocational courses are popular qualifications that give students a clear route to employment or university. They are designed with the help of employers to ensure students finish ready for the workplace.


BTECs are assessed through coursework and up to 25% external assessment.

Entry requirments

Entry grades vary according to the level of the course you are looking to study


You will develop practical skills related to your chosen subject.


BTEC Level 3 Diplomas are equivalent to A Levels and will give you valuable UCAS tariff points for university entry

Success stories

“The course has helped me build my confidence in a range of areas and now I know that my next step is a Level 3 or A Levels”

Kyle Brewer
Level 1 Introductory Diploma in Vocational Studies